US Northwest Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes

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Pullman, WA, USA
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Hi - just joined and first time posting.

I have been eyeing a trip to Juniper Dunes so am quite disappointed to discover this event too late to join.

Still, I would be grateful for any information on conditions, particularly to the far north of the trail system. I am planning an overnight trip to camp out there in April - partly to hit the dunes and partly to hike into the Wilderness Area itself to explore on foot.

I am familiar with the Juniper Dunes Wilderness Area but have never visited the OHV area so not sure what to expect. I’m hoping to camp at the far northern end of North Spur Rd, from where we could readily access the middle of the wilderness area (good dunes and good junipers) via the western boundary with a short walk due east.

Thanks - Hope to join the next trip!

Mike Dubya

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We actually stopped at the north entrance by accident. It was very quiet, there is a fair amount of cattle grazing happening. The dunes will have changed significantly in a month, all depends on weather. The OHV area was quite busy, I would expect that during the week it is significantly quieter. Best of luck to you on your trip!
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Kennewick, WA
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Hi - just joined and first time posting.

I have been eyeing a trip to Juniper Dunes so am quite disappointed to discover this event too late to join.

Still, I would be grateful for any information on conditions, particularly to the far north of the trail system. I am planning an overnight trip to camp out there in April - partly to hit the dunes and partly to hike into the Wilderness Area itself to explore on foot.

I am familiar with the Juniper Dunes Wilderness Area but have never visited the OHV area so not sure what to expect. I’m hoping to camp at the far northern end of North Spur Rd, from where we could readily access the middle of the wilderness area (good dunes and good junipers) via the western boundary with a short walk due east.

Thanks - Hope to join the next trip!
The whole OHV area is open riding so there isn't much for campsites out in the dunes. You can camp out there, but everything is a trail so finding a good spot to set up where you won't have dirt bikes or SxS's driving through will be a challenge. Not saying you won't find a good spot you'll just need to look for areas not traveled much. Most people camp off of Smith Rd. or at the end of the pavement where the unloading area is. Like mentioned already, it gets pretty busy out there and people like to rip around well after dark.
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Pullman, WA, USA
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We actually stopped at the north entrance by accident. It was very quiet, there is a fair amount of cattle grazing happening. The dunes will have changed significantly in a month, all depends on weather. The OHV area was quite busy, I would expect that during the week it is significantly quieter. Best of luck to you on your trip!
North entrance is always quiet - very few people go into the wilderness area itself, especially from that side. If you’ve never been in there, it’s well worth a stop and a walk in on your next visit.
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Pullman, WA, USA
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Hi - just joined and first time posting.

I have been eyeing a trip to Juniper Dunes so am quite disappointed to discover this event too late to join.

Still, I would be grateful for any information on conditions, particularly to the far north of the trail system. I am planning an overnight trip to camp out there in April - partly to hit the dunes and partly to hike into the Wilderness Area itself to explore on foot.

I am familiar with the Juniper Dunes Wilderness Area but have never visited the OHV area so not sure what to expect. I’m hoping to camp at the far northern end of North Spur Rd, from where we could readily access the middle of the wilderness area (good dunes and good junipers) via the western boundary with a short walk due east.

Thanks - Hope to join the next trip!
The whole OHV area is open riding so there isn't much for campsites out in the dunes. You can camp out there, but everything is a trail so finding a good spot to set up where you won't have dirt bikes or SxS's driving through will be a challenge. Not saying you won't find a good spot you'll just need to look for areas not traveled much. Most people camp off of Smith Rd. or at the end of the pavement where the unloading area is. Like mentioned already, it gets pretty busy out there and people like to rip around well after dark.
Thanks for this! Very helpful.

Fwiw, I was initially hoping to reach the far tip of the trail system and camp out there (yellow “X”), where I hoped it would be quieter. Not sure if that’s 4Runner territory - do they limit any areas for bikes and buggies?

Alternatively, was thinking somewhere along the fence (yellow line), but I see what you mean - no great options with the track up against the fence and high potential for traffic.



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Kennewick, WA
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You can access all of the dunes in a 4Runner, there are no areas that are sectioned off for different types of vehicles. There are trails that are narrow for dirt bikes and quads but you'll be able to figure that out once you're out there cruising around. While the whole area is open for riding there are really only 2 big sand bowls to play in, one near the entrance and the other out at the far north end near where you are wanting to camp. A lot of people take the fence lines or pipeline rd. to get out to the north bowl so traffic is going to be higher around them. The very far north spot where you have the X might work to camp, you would still have traffic of people running the fence line and going to the bowl out there but there isn't much in that corner itself. Only other place I would say to look would be near the sign/gate into the Wilderness. If you went north from there a little and to the west between the fence line and pipeline rd. it doesn't look too tracked up on the map and you might find something there. I've never camped out there so never bothered to pay attention for possible camp locations.