US Northwest Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes

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Pullman, WA, USA
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Hi - just joined and first time posting.

I have been eyeing a trip to Juniper Dunes so am quite disappointed to discover this event too late to join.

Still, I would be grateful for any information on conditions, particularly to the far north of the trail system. I am planning an overnight trip to camp out there in April - partly to hit the dunes and partly to hike into the Wilderness Area itself to explore on foot.

I am familiar with the Juniper Dunes Wilderness Area but have never visited the OHV area so not sure what to expect. I’m hoping to camp at the far northern end of North Spur Rd, from where we could readily access the middle of the wilderness area (good dunes and good junipers) via the western boundary with a short walk due east.

Thanks - Hope to join the next trip!