you can pretty much look at a person's vehicle and tell a lot about them since vehicles are basically an extension of their owners...
think about it...a loud exhaust vehicle is usually owned by a loud exhaust person that demand attention. a fancy pickup with a spray in bed liner that is kept immaculate is usually owned by a guy who doesnt do any physical labor and wont get dirty himself. people with lifted vehicles with tons of unused accessories bolted to them are going to be people that capable of doing things, but lack the motivation/confidence to actually do them. dont even get me started on PT cruisers and EV owners...
so next time you are out traveling, find a person and watch them for a few minutes and then see what they drive. i judge people all the time and so far i have found that judging people on what they drive has been a very accurate and quick way to categorize people...
I like the thought behind it... but careful on being too judgemental ;-)
Sometimes circumstance and other hidden things can play a big effect too on people
Though I would agree that yes pretty much a lot of what people drive reflects their personality
Some would even break this down by brand eg. X brand over Y brand... say Ford vs, Jeep, vs Audi, vs BMW and so on....
But ultimately irrespective of what you *think* a person is like, it's better to be able to see if you can get on with them and they may just surprise you
It seems to happen a lot before marriage haha