My med kit came in pretty handy yesterday. I took a hard fall while out mountain biking with some friends and I was pretty sure that my wrist was broken or at least badly sprained. I made it back to my Jeep and realized I wasn’t close to home and couldn’t go straight to an ER because my very expensive bike was going to disappear while I was inside.
But I keep my med kit in the back seat ofJeep full-time. So I pulled out the splint, cold pack, and some tape and was able to put together a very nice splint for my wrist. I just made it look like the picture on the splint. I was able to drive home, drop off the bike and then went to the ER. One nurse actually asked me if the ambulance had put the splint on when they were walking me back to a room (no ambulance was called or needed).
Turns out that I fractured the ulna and radius and will be out of action for about 6 weeks. But it was nice to be able to deal with the injury in the short term and not have to rush straight to an emergency room.