Member III
This is pretty much the page. You can also post in Overland Bound West in Facebook. The meetup has an Instagram account @oc_rigsncoffee and a Facebook page, mostly just to promote the OB meetup though.Does anyone have info on a general page for OC Overland Bound? Thinking is going out weekend of 5/10 to Barstow/Black Mountain range- check out cool stuff, nothing overly hard - old miners cabin/“Tonka Town”/Petroglyphs/“Military crash site etc. Thanks in advance View attachment 96284
You’re best bet is here and Facebook west group.
Also, before I forget. Some of are heading out to Calico after the meetup to do some trails and camp. If you’re up for it, welcome to join for some or all of it. Everyone is welcome. We’re rolling out at 11am from Laguna Hills, Steelhead Coffee.