Thanks, guys. Everyone stay safe, please, if we can get through this and look back saying "that wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be" then we did things right.
As for the summer comment, sorry, I wasn't clear. I understand this virus is different than influenza - which wanes in the warmer weather - and that there's still not a lot of solid information on it for the long-term. I was thinking more social\cultural changes that naturally come with warmer weather. People will migrate outside more often, have windows open, and engage in activities that don't involve being in the immediate proximity of others. Dinner gatherings with a dozen people in a 14x14 dining room with central heat keeping the same air recirculated (and people quickly closing the door to the outside to minimize warm air loss) will give way to cookouts in the back yard, at the park, etc. European countries like Italy and Spain as well as Asian countries have a different social culture than us in many ways, though some of those ways - high population density, heavy reliance on public transportation - are why (IMHO) NYC has been hammered with it while say, Manchester, NH isn't doing too bad. Come summer, some of those urban dwellers will leave, reducing their exposure while increasing the exposure of the people in the areas they travel to. While I say that it could go either way, I suspect that in the next month to 6 weeks, we will see a spike and that come fall & winter, we will still be fighting the war.