A question of yes or no this was going to happen is all those with interest are seeking. Blowing it off as "busy" is condescending and still not an answer. I respect the efforts of a small group of folks but this idea was posed a year ago, it seems there is/was enough interest to make it happen.............I own and run a small business so I know what it takes.
Take care of the small stuff and the big stuff takes care of itself.
At this point personally I'm moving on. Good luck and I hope it all works out.
Just for you consider this a NO.
For everyone else, as I posted please.
I do not care how your running your business and I am amazed that you can not see all that is going on around here.... Sad really, I mean honestly do you think people are just sitting around not wanting to get this done? Glad your moving on. Have a great day.
PS I have never blown anything off and I will bet you dont show up to the Seirra run next week either right, cause then all the stuff that a couple people do will be in full display. I personally take offense to that comment on their behalf. Nope, easier for you to sit at your computer and demand actions and criticize and accuse. Man you really made me angry, sorry but you have no idea what your talking about. Lets just leave it as your moving on and I will geep asking for this to get moving along.