US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

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Pathfinder I

Mead, CO, USA
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I'd call that a successful day trip. Took a bunch of pics but didn't think to get one of the group together. :(
Here's some of my good pics:

I did get almost all of it on the GoPro but will need to get that onto my PC, edit a bit, and upload to YT or something.

6 trucks, 6 great guys, I had an awesome time! Can't wait to go again!

Special thanks to @Exped4x4 for showing us the trail!


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Springfield, VA
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Yes indeedy, I'll be there Friday to Sunday, that way others can come and join as
their schedule allows.

@geekyadam how does this Sunday sound for a Clifton meetup? @DRJ , @FJ60pete , @Nootherids , how does that sound for y'all?
Anyone else who is up for joining is welcome as well!
The trails we do for day meets are possible in stock vehicles and are good training grounds for picking your line and seeing how to get your vehicle to follow it as well as familiarizing yourself with your vehicle's limits and characteristics. That being said, its still a fun time for the more experienced and has plenty of complicated obstacles.
@Exped4x4. Is there a rally point set up for this event? Looking for more details on where to meet for the weekend.


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Springfield, VA
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What's this weekend?
@Exped4x4 had mentioned in a previous post regarding a weekend trip to the Cove (near Winchester, VA). Looks like he'll be there from Friday-Sunday. I was going to head up for a day trip to wheel at the very least and possibly test out the new tent =)


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Pathfinder I

Mead, CO, USA
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@Exped4x4 had mentioned in a previous post regarding a weekend trip to the Cove (near Winchester, VA). Looks like he'll be there from Friday-Sunday. I was going to head up for a day trip to wheel at the very least and possibly test out the new tent =)
What new tent?


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Springfield, VA
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What's the trial like? I can only find videos of jeeps doing rock crawls.
From what I've been told, Cove has trails that range from easy greens to hardcore rock crawling trails. I've only been on one short single dirt/gravel trail at the Cove.