Is there like a listing of all of these trails somewhere? I've been trying to find places to go explore and find it pretty difficult to find stuff. I'm from Colorado where trails are everywhere in the Rocky's and you don't have to worry about private property as much. It a lot different in the south.
One of the best places is actually YouTube but the caveat is a video 3 years ago doesn't mean the trail hasn't changed or they could be closed down. There is far more public land in the West than here in the SE and what there is can be negatively impacted by poor use by off roaders themselves. The lessons of Telico Plains didn't sink in among the 4 wheel community as deep as it should have.
Even now Forest Service Roads are being closed out to keep the Bigfooters from tearing them up as they try to stroke their own mechanical egos. And not all abuse comes from off roaders as there is the locals who use the areas as a beer bash spot or worse still to dump trash.
Our trail options also decrease as tax dollars are diverted away from natural resources expenitures to pay for manpower and maintenance upkeep.
Until sportsman and outdoor folk can find a means to self pay and sustain cost management of these areas, our options across the country may only continue to decline.
Colorado and Utah have made trails a tourist draw and in that sense a money maker. How do we take that model and use it here in the SE? For one, make sure as you hit a local business to let them know what you are about. Also consider hitting a local grocery store at or near the trail to stock up as opposed to buying where you live. If you generate a local economic good and better yet they know you by name and face, you just created another ally who wants you on the trail as much as you do.
Sorry to soapbox a bit but your post hits on a topic of trail access and IMO we as a community need to discuss and brainstorm this topic.