Enthusiast III
I'm located about 30 miles E of Albuquerque. I have had 4x's forever, ok for at least the last 15 years. Owned and modded many diff vehicles. Currently and hopefully the last is a 2019 Ford F250 4x CC. Largest truck I have ever owned. Well see how it handles off road soon. I attached the pix to my site photo. There is so much to this site its a little hard to navigate but Ill get the hang of it. I joined NM4W out here in NM a few years back. They are an off road group. Fun but all Jeep runs and really nothing for the big rigs. Ill be posting some of my pictures around the forum. I also own a 2017 25' Coachmen TT, reason for purchasing the Ford. But,,, sometimes I just want to pack up and go for the weekend with out all the hassle. Thus, I found you guys. Now lots of work on the truck to do to get it ready to go.Welcome to the OB forums Vicki. Right off hand I don't know where Edgewood is but I'll look it up. Tell us about yourself and your rig. If you have a pic of your rig that would help a lot too. You can also use the Daily check in forum if you want to keep a check on what's going on there. Just go to the forums section below and click. It will give you a whole bunch of categories talked about in the forums. Merry Christmas :-)