New member from southern California

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Rank I
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Traveler I

Wildomar CA
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Hello, my name is Jay and just thought I should introduce myself.

Don't have any overlanding experience but I have done plenty of camping and offroading so I figured I'd just combine the two.

Currently working on my first overlanding rig out of a 2000 xj. Planning a 10 day multi state trip in January.
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Jake Wettern | iamjake

Rank V
Launch Member

Advocate II

Wisconsin Rapids, WI
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Hello, my name it Jay and just thought I should introduce myself.

Don't have any overlanding experience but I have done plenty of camping and offroading so I figured I'd just combine the two.

Currently working on my first overlanding rig out of a 2000 xj. Planning a 10 day multi state trip in January.

Sent from my Pixel XL using OB Talk mobile app
Hi Jay and welcome to OB! Nice rig! Safe travels and enjoy those open roads!

Jeff Graham

Rank VI
Launch Member


Splendora, TX, USA
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Service Branch
Army Vet
Welcome from Austin, TX. Loved my XJ, great rig. Enjoy you trip in January, be sure to share your experiences when you get back.


Rank V
Launch Member

Advocate III

Chino Ca
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Hello, my name is Jay and just thought I should introduce myself.

Don't have any overlanding experience but I have done plenty of camping and offroading so I figured I'd just combine the two.

Currently working on my first overlanding rig out of a 2000 xj. Planning a 10 day multi state trip in January.


Rank V
Launch Member

Advocate III

Bend, OR, USA
Member #


Hello, my name is Jay and just thought I should introduce myself.

Don't have any overlanding experience but I have done plenty of camping and offroading so I figured I'd just combine the two.

Currently working on my first overlanding rig out of a 2000 xj. Planning a 10 day multi state trip in January.
Hello Jay and welcome to the OB crew...great vehicle to use as your build looking forward to seeing your build and adventures...if you come up north to pnw...esstern Washington or Oregon reach out...
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