Alright, are you guys ready for some meet-up details!
Those of you coming from the Barstow / I-40 area, as soon as you hit the I-15 / I-40, you have about 152 miles to go to the casino (142 miles to
Exit 139)
![I40_Exit to Avi.JPG](/forums/data/attachments/19/19105-72c73d63da07a527fec1e02b1d8f2297.jpg)
Take Park Road to Needles hwy, travel north to Avi Casino.
This is where the last gas for the trip will be (at the Casino).
From the Casino, go north on Aha Macav Parkway for about 2.4 miles / 5 minutes.
The circled area is a road to the left, it's pretty non-descript but it usually has hay bales on your left, watch for that.
Here is where we'll meet up on Friday morning at 10:00 AM.
I will be there sometime between 9:00 and 9:30. Departure from that point is at 10:00AM
From Thursday night, I will be camped off the Needles Hwy, not too far away and just a little further down the trail.
If you miss the 10:00AM departure from the first point, go to the second point off of Needles highway here:
Anyone that can't make the 1 meetup point at 10:00AM, go to the Second meetup point, we'll take off from there.
And, if you want to go to the river to say that you've done the Mojave Road from the Colorado River, you'll need to accomplish that before the meetup point.
Any questions about meetup points or times, please post up here.
If you won't be able to make these meetup locations on Friday morning, post up here.
Let me know when you will be at the Second meetup point.
If you're coming from the North, say through Las Vegas, stay tuned.
More to come.