Enthusiast III
Is this a thing? Also, are we talking a badge or a sticker... cause I would love a badge with my member number on it...
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
That's a familiar refrain at any military base or port. Local civilians don't generally seem to care for military personnel. Kind of like the Norfolk sign "Sailors and dogs keep off the grass." It's an odd thing how our society was as opposed to how it is now. Now I always cringe at the obligatory "Thank you for your service" trope. Although, it is better than being spit upon in the 60s and 70s.nice! i was a submariner at groton, ct and the CG Academy was right across the river from us....we always picked on each other out in town and at bars.
that was back in the 80s and none of the locals liked sailors, so our only friends were each other and the coasties
Enthusiast III
OMG, yes....I can't stand hearing that crap. I almost stopped wearing anything that would give away I was military just so I wouldn't have to hear it. That is one thing that certainly needs to fade away, but like you said it is far better than what was happening in the past.That's a familiar refrain at any military base or port. Local civilians don't generally seem to care for military personnel. Kind of like the Norfolk sign "Sailors and dogs keep off the grass." It's an odd thing how our society was as opposed to how it is now. Now I always cringe at the obligatory "Thank you for your service" trope. Although, it is better than being spit upon in the 60s and 70s.
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
I’m in!!Response #3 above. Sticker design.....
Make it a limited edition sticker only available to Vets or Active military OB members. Exclusive to them, not to the general OB members. In addition to that, ONLY available with their OB number, no generic sticker. Green member Number in the standard spot below the vehicle. So this will keep it the more upscale...2-3 week turn-around member version. Finally their would have to be a way of verification when ordering this sticker above the' HONOR SYSTEM' method, just saying!.
Enthusiast III
I like that idea. Maybe I can incorporate something like this:Here's what I added to my Gladiator - it'll be recognized by some military folk, but it's a puzzler for the general public... it's the unit crest and motto of the Regiment I was in back at Ft Bragg...View attachment 182780
Member III
Enthusiast III
I would prefer a more “martial version” of the Medallion. So we can have our number on it? Which means we pay for it. Decals. I have more than enoughI like the thought but there are many issues with what you are asking.
1. to validate you would need to have someone in each country to validate the Service record or MPRR etc. This information is quite sensitive and there are many "Walter Mitties" that buy and sell this information so they can wear medals on remembrance day.
2. Limited printing of a sticker is difficult unless they were sold to the buyer in stacks of 100. A cloth badge you could do it and may be an idea
I would say validate with the veterans card or service card but again its sensitive data and you now have to worry about Cyber Laws in many countries
Your idea is great and I have tried this with Veterans on a military site and we couldn't even get it flowing.
Advocate III
Advocate III
I have the “Veteran” rocker for the patch. I’m prior military, and current Law Enforcement, and I do not put anything on my vehicle to attract unwanted attention.
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Advocate III
I whole heartedly agree!I disagree with the concept of a "Overland Bound Military" sticker or patch because I think it runs counter to our group's purpose. However, being a VN combat veteran I have no objection to vehicles with your military background or service. I have some on my own truck. Let's keep the basic core principles of Overland Bound pure without muddying the message. There are literally thousands of military service stickers available on the market. Buy some of those so we can show you respect for your patriotic service, brave experience under fire and the sacrifices some have made. OK, that's my two cents.
Educator I
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
I agree completely with banning political posts. I was surprised to see them.Deleted several post about politics and ZERO to do with the subject, next I will disable accounts if the posts "Pop up" anyplace else! Does not matter that I agree it is NOT what we do here.
Thank you for understanding.....
PS I am all for a Military Type OB Decal......
ha! couldn't have been THAT surprised...you were right in there hammering away on your keyboard replying to them.I agree completely with banning political posts. I was surprised to see them.