Rank II

Traveler II
Traveler II
Contributor III
Advocate III
Your member number isn’t correct... it’s two low...3825 Checking in here. No upgrade visible here or in the app for me.
Advocate III
Support@overlandbound.comQuestion for anyone who has an answer: Who should I message on here to get a response?
I messaged Michael (the account that gave me the automatic intro upon registration) about two weeks ago, nothing yet.
I'd just like to get this ball rolling somehow.
Educator I
What do you need? PM me if you would like....Question for anyone who has an answer: Who should I message on here to get a response?
I messaged Michael (the account that gave me the automatic intro upon registration) about two weeks ago, nothing yet.
I'd just like to get this ball rolling somehow.
Educator I
Member number is correct and I fixed you up but take the time to fill out the rest of your profile.....Your member number isn’t correct... it’s two low...
Contributor III
Looks like you handled it, thanks!What do you need? PM me if you would like....Question for anyone who has an answer: Who should I message on here to get a response?
I messaged Michael (the account that gave me the automatic intro upon registration) about two weeks ago, nothing yet.
I'd just like to get this ball rolling somehow.
Enthusiast I
Advocate III
You are upgrades. Welcome to the forums.My first post! And I have no idea how to navigate the forums... lol.
Call Sign: KN4YGR (but my radio needs installed)
Upgrade me please!!
Traveler III
Traveler III
I am good. Thanks team!!!!Hello! I have signed up for a membership. My number is 27761. Please upgrade my forum account. Thanks!
Contributor III
Educator I
Looks done to me...Hello my member number is 26385. Please upgrade my forum account. Thanks!
Contributor III
Educator I
I fixed ya up. I also deleted your complete address for security reasons, just town and State left.Doesn't seem to be linking my membership
Educator I
What was the order number for your membership?It doesn't look like mine is linked.
Contributor III
Enthusiast I