Rank I

Enthusiast I
Thanks you so much. This is just what I needed. I am really looking forward to meeting up with fellow overlanders.Welcome to Overland Bound Dave
Don't hesitate to contact your Regional Director @Narbob for help or information.
The closest Member Representative to you for local information is @FrankRoams (OC/SD) & www.Riggedfordirt.com
You can use the Member Map to find other members and events in your area. You can also send a message directly from the map to other members.
Check the forum calendar and Meet-Up page for events, and the Trip Planning page for trips being planned by members. These pages can be filtered by region.
Overland Bound Meetups
Overland Trip Planning
Quick adult & youthTread Lightly online awareness course.
Online Courses - Tread Lightly
Tread Lightly! Youth Online Course
Check out Overland Expo https://www.OverlandExpo.com
If you have any questions don't hesitate to message me, hopefully I can get you going in the right direction. @Kent R or Kent@OverlandBound.com