Contributor III
Hello, my name is Gentaro, member #18271. I am from Southern CA but currently live in Central IA. I enjoy road trips, tent camping, fishing, exploring and just being in the great outdoors in general but new to the overland lifestyle in regards to vehicle modifications, equipment, and experience of actually being miles and miles off a paved road out in the middle of no where. One thing is for sure, I find a sense of peace when I connect with nature and the outdoors and I long for more of it. I just recently bought a 2007 Honda Pilot EX-L 4WD and have been wanting to make it more suitable for all-terrain and off-road use. I’ve been interested in overlanding knowledge for some time but never knew where to start until I learned about this community. I’d like to learn as much I can about outfitting my vehicle and equipment to ensure safe travel and reliability through my adventures into the great outdoors with my family and kids. Ready to learn and take in as much knowledge as I can. Glad to be a part of the community. ADVENTURE IS NECESSARY!