Wow this took forever (I started this, it got put on a shelf and forgotten about untill today). 5 dollar shovel from army surplus, 3 dollar hedge clippers from yard sale for the handle. I have less than 7$ into this one, and another shovel and handle to make another one. Thinking about painting the head flare orange and wrapping the handle in athletic tape.
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Nice score. Find yourself a old D-Handle, from a old broken shorty one, There-by keeping it short for the JEEP/Emergency. Or go full length (handle) and keep it for the shed. Either way, nice find, and great price.

I did this with a fiberglass, full size shovel , where the handle had broke. Cut-off the splintered end, and attached a D-Handle I had. PRESTO, a new recovery shovel to add to the one I had already bought. As a spare, or as a hand out to my travel companion. 2 is 1, and 2 gets it done quicker, or to use around the campfire, and save yours on your rack, for what it's there for when needed.
I have painted older wooden handles that have weatherized with a can of ORANGE spray paint, until it is sealed with it. I then use 2 coats of clear to finalize it. makes for many years of use. If you do a lot of work with a wooden handle implement, and use it a lot, it probably is better to use some Linseed or Tung oil, especially for AXES.
The paint method w/color makes for highly visible tools that are not left accidentally on the trail. I also paint the heads BLACK, and spray them with some clear for rust prevention. Very important if mounted externally on your rig.
You can clear coat your carry shovel (head) with a clear coat, for rust prevention if also carried externally. A little touch up now and then after use, will keep that surface rust at bay, for when the clear coat gets scuffed.
Some prefer the unpainted method due to how slippery the handles can be, and do not like the feel of a sealed handle for vigorous work conditions (GRIP).
Could be a issue, or might be a issue when working around others IMO. A AXE being at the top of the list for such a scenario.