Influencer I
Influencer I
World Traveler III
Pathfinder I
Enthusiast III
Holy air dam Batman!View attachment 87573 On the top to protect the tent from limbs and trees.. plus it adds the aerodynamic for the bulk of the tent.
World Traveler III
Pathfinder III
Advocate III
Is your spare tire mount made by MaxxTrax?Wow, everyone has great solutions unique to each vehicle. I went with the spare tire mount. No Trasharoo. Needed easy access.
View attachment 103200
@bmwguruI carry mine on my roof rack underneath my Rotopax fuel containers. They use the same mounting pattern as a Rotopax. I have a bolt brand cable lock keyed to my Toyota ignition key that I will put on the keep honest people honest. View attachment 103258View attachment 103259
Influencer I
I'll try and get some more pics up after work.@bmwguru
I'd love to see more of how you have your Rack set up. I'm also running an 06 with a similar rack and looking for ideas for how to mount things to it.
Pathfinder I
I would consider some inexpensive cam straps (Home Depot has a decent set of four 6’ ones for $9) - even just one. They are more reliable & nearly as easy to use. Bungees go bad with time & exposure. Even my heavy duty rubber bungee that held my shovel to my recovery boards gave up the ghost on the highway one day - super lucky I had a camstrap over the lower shaft or I could have caused both a mess of my roof and a dangerous & destructive event for the traffic behind me. Bungees also don’t fair well in an actual accident.Two heavy duty bungee cords, on my roof rack. Inexpensive, easy removed and allows me to change the location, depending on cargo.
lift kits, tires and lockers will get you further than maxtrax. nice jeep.I have been offroad wheeling for over 50 years all over North America from Mexico to Alaska and have never needed them. I did however use them once in the Sahara Desert. Personally I think the dollars would be better spent elsewhere; maybe a longer tow strap or tire chains. Maybe an extra few days out in the wild.
Advocate III
What I like about this is the fact your boards are in an otherwise unusable (wasted) space. You could almost put a folding table above your boards for your camp kitchen. Slim, really likes.No offense intended but I find that some of these mounting methods create big air dams that kill MPG. I try to stay as streamlined as possible, which also helps with security.
Member III