I have a road shower tank that I've been using. Its pressurized with a air compressor. I usually heat up water in a huge stock pot and add it in for a hot shower. It's kind of a pain in the ass but nice to have a hot shower. So I'm hoping this Camplux will make life easier. I'm going to pipe the road shower tank into the unit and still pressurize it.
yea, the Camplux needs a minimum amount of water pressure to ignite.
We have a 110v water pump on ours. Pulls up to the pump on the racks then back down to the heater. The pump, all the quick connect water lines and the 110 line are bolted into a box that is bolted to the rack. Open the box, pull hoses out, one to draw, the other quick connected to the heater, which is hung from the racks. plug it in to power inverter, And the gas line to the bottle up on the racks, deploy shower stall, rinse. It does take about 10-15 minutes to set up. If it quits raining tomorrow I’ll post up images. Currently in the Pisgah NF. Rain