Enthusiast I
Enthusiast I
Expedition Master I
Check you tube as well, there are some really good tutorials on there. Look for a guy from the UK, he’s kinda dry but his info is great!Try talking to a local club and see if somebody would help. I did that and learned more from an Elmer in ten minutes then I did from reading books for hours. I also have Yaesu so I might be able to help. I have an FTM400 in my Earthcruiser and a FX70 Handheld.
Off-Road Ranger I
Enthusiast II
Endurance II
I am looking at that radio for exact purpose. What antenna are you using? Make sure to attend the Friday Night NET's. The information is under the Rally Points and also a sticky on its own thread. Welcome to OB! Brent KJ7BHNNew member here. Name is Bill, N2WMF. I have a Yaesu 857D in my Jeep and I’m able to operate on all bands from 80m-70cm. I’m wondering why more Overlanders don’t use HF mobile. On Long Island beaches we have very poor LÓS communications. We usually use 20-25 watts on 40 meters and have great coverage.
Endurance II
Contributor II
Traveler I
Enthusiast III
Expedition Master I
Hey Todd Congratulations on ur license. My wife and I (KM6YKV) got our Licenses about three months ago. We purchased the FTM-400’s and are very happy with them.KN6AET - Todd checking in from San Jose, CA. Just got my license last week. Still need a radio. Considering the Kenwood 710G or the Yaesu FTM 400 since I am interested in APRS. I , too, am a bit overwhelmed with figuring out how to get started.
Endurance II
Welcome, both radios are awesome. See you on the Friday night NET Brent KJ7BHNKN6AET - Todd checking in from San Jose, CA. Just got my license last week. Still need a radio. Considering the Kenwood 710G or the Yaesu FTM 400 since I am interested in APRS. I , too, am a bit overwhelmed with figuring out how to get started.
Endurance II
Kent, welcome to the HAM radio check in. Please join us Fridays at 5:30pm PST on the NET. The details are in the Rally Point section and also a sticky on the first forum under Communications. Brent KJ7BHNWQ2K
La Crosse, WI
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast I
Member III
Member III
Member III
Welcome!!New ham here. KD2RMS. Running a Yaesu ftm400xdr.
Member III
Thank you! Had my first contact the other morning on the way to work. Still learning. The ham radio community is so welcomingWelcome!!