Explorer I
When I was picking a test center (online of course) nearly everyone said since it is online only 1 test at a time. When I finished mine and graded, the VE team leader kind of was asking if I wanted to do my General but since everything I read said 1 test then I didn't bother evening thinking about the General.So I studied my butt off, I got my tech and general at the same time. The extra was too hard, so I took about 2 and a half weeks to study for the test. thank God I passed them all on the first try. I really didn't want to rack my brain and then wait a couple of weeks to take it again. Keep plugging away, I found since your already in study mode just get them all out of the way. Its going to be learn as you go anyway and don't worry what anyone has to say about being a gen or extra. its your business not theirs. If people are not being ambassadors they rant worth listing to. just my 2c. lol