Explorer I
I am a new ham licensee. I just received my radio via UPS yesterday (Friday afternoon). Although not installed yet, I was still able to talk with some other OB members using my smartphone and the EchoLink app during the Friday Night HAM Radio Net. I had a blast and learn some things about my new radio with the help of people in the NET group. Also picked up some information that will be beneficial later down the road. It does require a ham license and a cell signal but no radio needed to talk with other OB members from around the world. Bottom line if your thinking that you need a radio or you can't afford a radio, you can still be part of the OB Friday Night Radio NET with a license , smartphone and cell signal. First Friday of every month is new ham operators night and will you will be able to ask questions related to ham and maybe GMRS if you sneak a question in like I did (just saying). So get your license or if you already have it come interact with the NET every Friday night.