Drone usage

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Lee B

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Virginia, USA
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Does anyone here use a drone to record their outings and if so, does anyone here have their FAA Part 107? I am in the process of getting mine and was wondering if there are others who are working on it as well.


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I started the training for my Part 107 not too long ago, although life, work, and holidays have put it on hold. Just need to find the time to study and go through the course.
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North American Sojourner

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FAA is just shaken on this. Lol. If you do not want to fly under 107, you can fly safely under this….

The Exception for Limited Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (USC 44809) is the law that describes how, when, and where you can fly drones for recreational purposes. Following these rules will keep people, your drone and our airspace safe

The real deal is they’re thinking about doing something and have developed some laws but they’re not really sure so just be careful….lmao
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Yes, Part 107 is for Commercial use only. Not if you are shooting for yourself, even your Youtube. You do need to go to the FAA DroneZone and register your drone and yourself. Quick and Easy. I am the Point of Contact for UAS up here in Sonoma County. Good Luck and have fun.
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Lee B

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Yes, Part 107 is for Commercial use only. Not if you are shooting for yourself, even your Youtube. You do need to go to the FAA DroneZone and register your drone and yourself. Quick and Easy. I am the Point of Contact for UAS up here in Sonoma County. Good Luck and have fun.
There was some changes to regulations this year back in April, and I understand it as If you want to post drone footage on YT, you must have a FAA Part 107.
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There was some changes to regulations this year back in April, and I understand it as If you want to post drone footage on YT, you must have a FAA Part 107.
No, The only caveat I have seen is if you film over National Parks, National Forests blah blah they consider YouTube Commercial an you need to apply for a permit with said Forest. We have not changed anything about 107 to reflect You Tube. "Commercial" dictates that you get paid to fly/film. Youtube paying you is only an ancilary effect of your editing/marketing skills and trust me, my employer, the FAA, will never put those 2 togther.....
The only thing you need to know about "Hobby" flying is if you are near controlled airspace and whether your drone is Geo Fenced. Then you will need to use an "app" to access LAANC and we them authorize any flights above minimum ceilings/heights. Say if you want to fly a mile east of my airport, Santa Rosa, and you want to shoot at 300' the app will send a request to me at the tower, whenever I open it, and I will have to go in and authorize it. But if you want to fly at 50', the app will instantly aurthorize it as we have set altitudes all around the airport that correspond to the prescribed alt's of fixed wing and helo's in that sector.
One thing they changed isnight time flights for Commercial Drones to reflect Hobby. Now 107 can fly at night, albeit still pretty limited. DZ
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Lee B

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Virginia, USA
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No, The only caveat I have seen is if you film over National Parks, National Forests blah blah they consider YouTube Commercial an you need to apply for a permit with said Forest. We have not changed anything about 107 to reflect You Tube. "Commercial" dictates that you get paid to fly/film. Youtube paying you is only an ancilary effect of your editing/marketing skills and trust me, my employer, the FAA, will never put those 2 togther.....
The only thing you need to know about "Hobby" flying is if you are near controlled airspace and whether your drone is Geo Fenced. Then you will need to use an "app" to access LAANC and we them authorize any flights above minimum ceilings/heights. Say if you want to fly a mile east of my airport, Santa Rosa, and you want to shoot at 300' the app will send a request to me at the tower, whenever I open it, and I will have to go in and authorize it. But if you want to fly at 50', the app will instantly aurthorize it as we have set altitudes all around the airport that correspond to the prescribed alt's of fixed wing and helo's in that sector.
One thing they changed isnight time flights for Commercial Drones to reflect Hobby. Now 107 can fly at night, albeit still pretty limited. DZ
Thats good to know. Thanks for the clarification.
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Yes, Part 107 is for Commercial use only. Not if you are shooting for yourself, even your Youtube. You do need to go to the FAA DroneZone and register your drone and yourself. Quick and Easy. I am the Point of Contact for UAS up here in Sonoma County. Good Luck and have fun.
If your YouTube video is monetized you must have your 107.


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@dsheber I got a question for ya, since you seem to be quite informed about this subject. I'm an electrican, and I wire fancy high and swimming pools, I take pictures with my drone. Can my boss use my pictures on his business Facebook page?



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@dsheber I got a question for ya, since you seem to be quite informed about this subject. I'm an electrican, and I wire fancy high and swimming pools, I take pictures with my drone. Can my boss use my pictures on his business Facebook page?
You will need Part 107. You really need to know and understand the meaning of "Recreational Flight". Many people assume that a recreational flight is one that is not operated for a business or any form of compensation. But that's not always the case. Financial compensation, or the lack of it, is not what determines if the flight is recreational or commercial.

Non-recreational purposes include things like taking photos to help sell a property or service, roof inspections, or taking pictures of a high school football game for the school's website. Goodwill or other non-monetary value can also be considered indirect compensation. This would include things like volunteering to use your drone to survey coastlines on behalf of a non-profit organization. Recreational flight is simply flying for fun or personal enjoyment.
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