@Hector45acpSo after a lot of online searching, I couldn't find a compact solution to hoisting my RTT on to my truck. My garage is too low so I can't lower it off the ceiling and drive away unfortunately. After a lot of brainstorming and about 3 trips to Lowes, below is my working hoist. I tested it with my weight (185lbs) first to be sure it would hold, and it didn't budge at all. My tent weighs about 135lbs so this solution works great.
I have 3 pulleys on it so the pull weight is down to 1/3 of the weight of the tent. It breaks down into two main pieces, the hoist arm, and the a-frame. The a-frame folds up so both pieces fit nicely in a small corner in the garage. If anyone is interested in further details let me know.
very cool design man, I was in the exact same situation as you. My Jeep Cherokee wouldn’t fit in the garage with the tent so I ended up reverse engineering your design based on the pictures you posted. It worked well enough for me to hoist it up in the air. The 3 pulley system allowed me to hold the rope with one hand and tie a knot with the other. I would just say that on the end of the rope there needs to be a ratcheting mechanism that’s anchored to the wall so you don’t have to hold the rope while it’s up in the air. Overall though this was pretty nice considering I can break it down and fold it up for another day.
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