After about a years worth of intense use the awning is still going strong, ive used it at least 100 times and only changed a few couple things on it as upgrades not as repairs. I changed the velcro straps. They are
heavier duty and luckily the same price since they only come in packs of 10. Thats actually the exact amount needed. 2nd i replaced the straps on the tarp on the side of thr jeep with zip ties. Besides that everything is original and still VERY sturdy. Ive used it in 115 degree weather eith strong gusts in laughlin NV. Actually my ez-up brand canopy busted and collapsed while the awning stayed strong. Ive used it on every camping trip, picnic and even at work to keep out of the sun since i do construction, and some jobs dont allow for the work bench to fit somewhere covered. Ill post couple pictures i have of it being used. One last note, i made a case for it using extra HF tarp i had laying around.