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Belle Plaine, Kansas, 67013
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Believe it or not... a "Magic 8 Ball".

Back when I first got the Rover my nieces and nephews were between 5 - 9 years old and loved to go for rides in it. They would always asked "where are we going". One day they asked and I handed them a Magic 8 Ball and said "I'll let you decide". I told them that when we came to an intersection, a T or a fork in the road they should ask which direction, specifically left, right, or straight ahead, shake the ball and see. Or they could ask "should we go to such-n-such place" or some such.

They are all in college now, or recent college grads, but I will never get rid of the Magic 8 Ball, it will always sit in the Rover.




Believe it or not... a "Magic 8 Ball".

Back when I first got the Rover my nieces and nephews were between 5 - 9 years old and loved to go for rides in it. They would always asked "where are we going". One day they asked and I handed them a Magic 8 Ball and said "I'll let you decide". I told them that when we came to an intersection, a T or a fork in the road they should ask which direction, specifically left, right, or straight ahead, shake the ball and see. Or they could ask "should we go to such-n-such place" or some such.

They are all in college now, or recent college grads, but I will never get rid of the Magic 8 Ball, it will always sit in the Rover.
Awesome !


Rank VI
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Show Low, AZ
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Believe it or not... a "Magic 8 Ball".

Back when I first got the Rover my nieces and nephews were between 5 - 9 years old and loved to go for rides in it. They would always asked "where are we going". One day they asked and I handed them a Magic 8 Ball and said "I'll let you decide". I told them that when we came to an intersection, a T or a fork in the road they should ask which direction, specifically left, right, or straight ahead, shake the ball and see. Or they could ask "should we go to such-n-such place" or some such.

They are all in college now, or recent college grads, but I will never get rid of the Magic 8 Ball, it will always sit in the Rover.
Love it!!