Blogs, Websites and Photo Sharing

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Polaris Overland

Ambassador, Europe

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Newtonhill, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, UK
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Royal Navy Veteran
Many people like to create Blogs and websites to document their trips.

Some hope to gain financially or through sponsorship for them and others like ourselves use it to document our trip for family friends and anyone else interested but also to create a record for ourselves. It is easy to get caught up in the trip itself being overwhelmed by the constant experiences that the trip itself loses something.

We are now 13 weeks into our trip and about to cross into Albania. Along the way we left from southern Cyprus, crossed into occupied northern Cyprus and a ferry to Turkey. Following Turkey we came into Greece and next step Albania and the Balkans.

Even now we struggle to differentiate places we have visited or camped and to this end our website has proved invaluable for us. We can look through the gallery photos and all the smells, feelings and experiences come right back to us.

However this all comes at a cost. And the cost is time and effort. Angela writes a journal almost daily which we later edit and type up for blogs. And then we both go through the many pictures firstly deciding what is worth keeping and editing and then once edited what should go on the website.
Do not underestimate the effort involved as it has taken both of us by surprise. This coupled with sourcing decent wifi to upload photos etc is a constant chore of the trip and needs to be maintained just like the vehicle daily checks and servicing
to keep it up to date.

So next time you see an Overlander'a blog on fb or elsewhere please appreciate the work that had gone on to achieve it.

As for OB and their updates, videos, pictures and running of the club I can only bow in appreciation of the effort Michael and Corrie put in to follow their vision and for that I and I am sure many others salute you both. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk

Raul B

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Kyle, Hays County, Texas, United States
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Great topic. I too feel like sometimes we are too critical of shots not looking right or man they should have done more off-roading.... The amount of work that it takes to first plan the trip, pick your gear, pick your shots, take journal notes for later and still have a good time is tough. Then add to that having the time and resources to edit it into something worth reading or viewing..... I applaud anyone that is doing this full time because its a ton of work....


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It's definitely tough. More work than I expected for sure and I'm doing it basically one man with some guest posts. Planning article ideas, keeping up with the socials, etc. becomes a full time job on top of my actual full time paying job.
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Polaris Overland

Ambassador, Europe

Pioneer I

Newtonhill, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, UK
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Royal Navy Veteran


Rank VII
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Wallasey, Wirral. UK
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Having tried it on numerous trips, I can empathise with this. It can be, and is, very time consuming.
But, when there's a good one, it's always well worth the read because of the effort that goes into producing it.
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