Hello guys,
First I’d like to congratulate you on the amazing app you guys have been working on and the proposed features already in the plans. Second I wanted to discuss about GPS usage by the app. I know that for the member map to work gps must be on but is it really a good thing to just leave it on at all times? I mean, from the time I open the app it starts requesting for gps data and it keeps doing it 100% of the time even in the background until I kill the app. In my opinion it would be better if it did do use of gps like google maps does to track timeline and request every x minutes, or it could be a setting in the app to let the user set the delay according to their needs. By the way I know I can set iOS to just allow the app to use gps when not in the background but then if I need it running in the background to log my location I’d have to go to settings and change it every time. Well those were my two cents, let me know if it makes any sense at all. Thanks again for the great app and community. ✌