I'm not surprised by this. Decades ago all that was available were steel racks that would eventually rust out from the inside, even with constant cleaning and re-painting every couple of off seasons. Then Frontrunner introduced an aluminum rack in 2000. In 2008 or so ARB followed suit and introduced their aluminum rack. The South Africans and the Australians get this stuff right. I've had my Frontrunner racks ( plural as there is one on the trailer ) since 2012 and not a single bolt or nut has ever worked its way loose. They don't rattle, and the rack on the trailer supports our Tepui ruggedized tent which weighs 162 lbs. Do Frontrunners or ARBs ever fail? Yes, they do, the blade type feet used on more modern vehicles, can be a problem if not installed correctly. Bottom line, 85 million South Africans and Australians can t be wrong about overlanding equipment. ( tongue firmly in cheek )