Another home built roof rack

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Colorado Springs, CO, USA
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Looks fantastic, I thought of doing the same thing when I saw those ATV racks in the magazine, glad you got it to work, awesome job!


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Awendaw, South Carolina, United States
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Well. It works. but the drumming noise @ 50--70 MPH is terrible. Now I have to figure out how to fabricate a wind deflector. Not sure whether it needs to between the rack and roof, or on top of the rack.
So much for making one that was low enough not to make noise.


Rank VI
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Colorado Springs, CO, USA
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Well. It works. but the drumming noise @ 50--70 MPH is terrible. Now I have to figure out how to fabricate a wind deflector. Not sure whether it needs to between the rack and roof, or on top of the rack.
So much for making one that was low enough not to make noise.
You're going to want to get the deflector as close as possible to the front of the vehicle, touching the roof if possible, and then angled back to block the front of your rack. installed roof rack (4).JPG

But I don't think it will help the droning as much, you may have to get used to it, mine does it and I don't even notice anymore unless I listen for it.


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Awendaw, South Carolina, United States
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You're going to want to get the deflector as close as possible to the front of the vehicle, touching the roof if possible, and then angled back to block the front of your rack. But I don't think it will help the droning as much, you may have to get used to it, mine does it and I don't even notice anymore unless I listen for it.
Yeah I know that's the usual set up. To do that on my 4runner, it'd be stretched from the windshield all the way back to the rear of the front door. That nearly the length of the rack itself. I'll keep dicking around with it and get it to quiet down.


Rank VI
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Colorado Springs, CO, USA
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Well. It works. but the drumming noise @ 50--70 MPH is terrible. Now I have to figure out how to fabricate a wind deflector. Not sure whether it needs to between the rack and roof, or on top of the rack.
So much for making one that was low enough not to make noise.
You're going to want to get the deflector as close as possible to the front of the vehicle, touching the roof if possible, and then angled back to block the front of your rack. installed roof rack (4).JPG

But I don't think it will help the droning as much, you may have to get used to it, mine does it and I don't even notice anymore unless I listen for it.
Yeah I know that's the usual set up. To do that on my 4runner, it'd be stretched from the windshield all the way back to the rear of the front door. That nearly the length of the rack itself. I'll keep dicking around with it and get it to quiet down.
My fault, I meant "front of the rack", not the vehicle, and touching the vehicle if possible, you can keep your rack where it is at but still put a deflector on it, doesn't need to be near the windshield to at least help a little.
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You might try adding Vibration Isolator bushings (Look for Sorbothane Vibration Isolation Bushings in the size and weight class you expect to need.) between the rack and cross bars or adding rubber screw feet (like those used under the hood to take any play and vibrations out of the hood latch ) to Dampen/alter the harmonics.

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Cool. How much did they run you?
Not sure if the cost question was posted in reference to my post about the Sorbothane Vibration Isolation Bushings or the original rack post. I don't know how much they cost I work around large highspeed presses and we use them to isolate vibration between components and pre/post equipment. (I've salvaged a few over the years and used them under my home built CNC Router and on my simple 3d printer.)

The rubber hood stops I have adjusted on my truck to remove flutter from my hood at Hwy speeds after I put on my bug shield.



Rank I

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Hi- any particular painting method? I hear paint doesn't adhere to aluminum that well, how is yours holding up?
Looks like you cut off the hinges? Did you do anything to get the 3 pieces to seam together so nicely?
Looks great!


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Awendaw, South Carolina, United States
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U.S. Marines
Hi- any particular painting method? I hear paint doesn't adhere to aluminum that well, how is yours holding up?
Looks like you cut off the hinges? Did you do anything to get the 3 pieces to seam together so nicely?
Looks great!
Paint is flaking in a couple places. I expected as much. Sanding all of it would have been very tedious so I wiped it down with aceton and sprayed it. I did take the hinges off and shortened it by one section. I secured the three separate pieces to the cross bars from underneath using riv nuts and stainless bolts.


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Janesville, wi
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Did you connect the three sections as well with bolt and nuts with each other or just secure all three on the cross bar.