Traveler III
Thanks for that Rex. Are you able to translate that to practical info? How deep might it be with those numbers?
Traveler III
Thanks for that Rex. Are you able to translate that to practical info? How deep might it be with those numbers?
Influencer III
The flow rate is pretty normal for non rainy periods. I’ve seen it go 5x that after thunderstorms. The depth at our crossing doesn’t change much. So Toyota Corolla driveable.Thanks for that Rex. Are you able to translate that to practical info? How deep might it be with those numbers?
Traveler III
Awesome! I look forward to it.The flow rate is pretty normal for non rainy periods. I’ve seen it go 5x that after thunderstorms. The depth at our crossing doesn’t change much. So Toyota Corolla driveable.Thanks for that Rex. Are you able to translate that to practical info? How deep might it be with those numbers?
The gauge is about a mile from the crossing, where the river is narrow and deep.
Off-Road Ranger I
ExactlyAwesome on the Hound. I think the idea is Cooper’s in Mason.
Off-Road Ranger I
No issue at allWe've decided to camp up near Fredericksburg Saturday night, so I'll be pulling my overland camper along for this trip. Hope that's not an issue!
Off-Road Ranger I
We are meeting at 8am in San Gabriel Park. Leaving at 9am. Just snax/drinks and something to take lots of pics with. We will be fueling up at HEB in Marble Falls before hitting the trail, so you can also grab something there.Clarification needed, We showing up at meet site at 8AM or we leaving at 8AM. Also ANything specific we need?
Influencer III
Enthusiast III
Off-Road Ranger I
Member II
Off-Road Ranger I
Glad you made it. I think we all had a great time. Already planning the next one. Stay tuned!Thanks for planning this event! Jeanne and I really enjoyed everything. Great to meet everyone. Looking forward to what’s next!
Off-Road Ranger I
Checking the front/rear cams now. Don't think I caught the bobcat, but still some good views.Taco camper checking in, just got home. We had a blast with you all, thanks again for putting this together.
I should be able to post a link to the unedited drone footage later this evening.
Off-Road Ranger I
Awesome job. Really shows what a great trip it was.Let's see if this works. This is all 100% un-edited, raw off my drone. I did rename a couple files to try & make it easier to find your rig. Let me know if you have any questions or problems!
Link to my Google Drive Photos
All I ask is that if you're going to use the footage on YouTube or similar, please comment here or message me with the link, and credit me.
Member II
Off-Road Ranger I