Pathfinder III
Pathfinder III
Pathfinder III
Pathfinder III
Right? to see TWO was pretty wild. This was maybe a quarter mile from the town of Pozo, just at the north end of a 17 mile dirt road that is fun called Hi Mountain Road. About 10-15 minutes from an area called La Panza which has lots of trials and camping...and apparently, bears!That is awesome. Where was this at? @SLO Rob
Influencer II
I've been close to Roosevelt Elk during the rutting season in November along the Lost Coast. Nothing like opening the door of the outhouse first thing in the morning to see a couple thousand pounds of elk about 50' away.
On a smaller scale, I have run into a couple rattle snakes. Most recently was last July at the Mendo Rally. I was part of the Heavy Recovery Team that pulled rally cars off the side of the mountain back on to the course. During one of the longest recoveries, there was a 4' rattler not 2' off the trail in front of my truck. Of course everyone wanted past to get pics of the recovery, so I had control my winch, watch the rest of the team further up trail, and perform crowd control all at the same time.
Influencer II
Influencer II
Enthusiast III
Influencer II
Influencer I