Influencer II
Influencer II
I have seen that a couple of times in the last couple of days. Do you think it's real?While none of the aforementioned animal encounters have ended in violence (thus far), it is important to remember that these situations can turn violent, quickly.
In such instances, sometimes it's better to be the instigator of the violence. Watch the video for a good tutorial on holding your own against aggressive wildlife (and potentially save a beloved pet and family member in the process).
Influencer II
Hah, yes, I think it's real.I have seen that a couple of times in the last couple of days. Do you think it's real?
Influencer II
Traveler II
What kind of treatment did that require?Last spring while camped outside Sedona Az. got rattlesnake bit.
Got in the truck and drove into Sedona to urgent care. The PA took my blood pressure and heart rate, cleaned the wound and sent me back to camp. The bugger hit on the wrist bone and didn't get a big load of venom in, lucky. Some swelling and minor pain, just a small red spot there now.What kind of treatment did that require?