- 15,584
- First Name
- Michael
- Last Name
- Murguia
- Member #
- Ham/GMRS Callsign
Alpha 0.8.36 Build Patch has been released and is in review by Apple. You should receive an email once approved by Apple if you are in the test group.
To join this test group, fill out this form: Expedition Pioneers
Your build should now show: 0.8.37 Build 1
Android build may be downloaded here (option to install APKs must be enabled): OB1_Build_0.8.87.apk
Testing Focus:
New Features:
To join this test group, fill out this form: Expedition Pioneers
Your build should now show: 0.8.37 Build 1
Android build may be downloaded here (option to install APKs must be enabled): OB1_Build_0.8.87.apk
Testing Focus:
- Forum usage
- Message usage
- Reply button hidden on some iOS devices Increase default point size from 36 to 48 pts
- fixed issue where wrong title was displayed in messages
- Multiple taps on reply sends multiple messages
- @mention list goes up and off screen.
New Features:
- add "@" button in replies and posts.
- Pinch - Zoom implemented in photo viewer
- Full screen implemented for photos
- Implement like button on messages
- Reply button on posts
- Notification links do not go to the thread mentioned.
- Chat in the slide out menu does, and is intended to go to your OS txt messages
- Formatted quotes in reply posts are long (full quote)
- Read later filter is inconsistent.
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