Adventuring With Your Dog/s

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I would never think of having Mekia off leash. She would be gone in a FLASH! She's been taking really good to training. So I think I can do it. More repetiton is needed. I cant go very far either since she's not vaccinated.
You might already know this, but since you were asking for training tips, I'll go out on a limb. So stop me if you've heard it...

You may want TWO 'comet's commands. One is the normal come, and another for like big time, all call, all return. Super super treat for the second one. That's the emergency one. They call it return or recall. Bigger than just 'come'. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Put her on a long lead. 20, 30, 40 feet. And let her go to the end of it. Call her back and show her a treat. She should come for the treat. If not, tug and pull her in and give the treat. Keep doing that as well. As many times per day as you can.

That second come RECALL or RETURN is sort of an all call, super rewarded. Different command. Use one you like but never deviate. This one is the one to use when they will be most distracted by forest scents and little critters. At least in the case of a hunting Beagle, regular 'come' wont work like it does on a city block. The reward for this super command has got to be a LOT of treats or whatever super excellent steak or liver they never usually get. You want it so when you call this super command, even if they have an antelope leg in thier mouth, they'd rather drop it and come to you.

Train for RECALL or RETURN the same way as with come but use the best treat they love the absolute most, or steak or liver. Then get outside and get to a park and use the longest rope you can find.

And as always, big praise along with the treat when they do it right. Because you don't always have a treat with you but want them to do as you ask.

With my Beagle, l training began at me teaching him Sit, and making him sit - and wait to be released! - before he could eat breakfast or supper. For a dog that is food motivated, that's what you gotta do. From there you get to come, heel, lie down and all that.

I hope that helps, and if you already knew that, then feel free to ignore it.
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