Whoever has the lead on this convoy should put together a map/timetable for those people who don't know the area. Like me.
I'll post of the information again for those of you that are just showing up to the party.

The timetables are not set in stone, it's not like a "Race to Witch Mountain" its more like a Race to Bald Mountain.

It would be great to keep the Convoy together all the way to the campsite since we'll have Rigs towing trailers and the older rigs that don't get great gas mileage.
I will repost the information a week before the 2016 OTG Rally. Please post any suggestions and changes you recommend, we still have plenty of time before the Rally.
Here's the map and timetable.
The Bay Area's Convoy meeting spot will be at the Starbucks parking lot in Gilroy at 7:00am-7:30am. Its on Camino Arroyo and HWY 152 (south side of HWY 152) A shell gas station is on the corner for anyone needing to gas up. From there, we will make a pit stop in Madera's Walmart parking lot between 9:30 -10:00am so we can hook up with the Napa Convoy and Sacramento Convoy. From Madera we will take HWY 145 to HWY 168 to Shaver lake. If everything goes to schedule, then we should be pulling into the OB Campsite around 11:30am -1200pm where
@SLO Rob will be handing out beers to the Convoy.