Alrighty!! Well I have been super busy with work which means no time for upgrades!!! But now the work is over and the money is here! Time to upgrade. This is a facebook marketplace special here! I found factory mopar rock rails which I love the look of! I know that these offer an average amount of protection to the jeep but #1 it is better than NOTHING! #2 I LOVE the way they look, and for what I am doing I don't need huge rock sliders! Also, for $50 for sliders in excellent condition, I couldn't say no!
Alright what else!?!?!?! UMMMMMMM SUMMER!!!!! Anyone super that summer is finally arriving..... most places! I can't wait to get out there with the top off and get dirty!!
Alright what else have I done to the Jeep? AH!! I found out about 2 weeks ago that my rig used to be a tow rig before I got it! So I found all of this junk and turned it into this beautiful piece of art that satisfied my OCD!!!
This also was causing a short in my tail lights because the connectors were not staying connected! SOOO it needed to be fixed and now I have piece of mind that they will work 100%!!
As for other things on the the jeep, I decided to give the jeep a detail and make it look nice and to get a good base for paint protection! I know it is an offroad rig, but I am a car junky and I love detailed cars so I'll keep mine looking amazing on the street and on the dirt! I was amazed with the results! What do you think!?!?!

Alright! Now before I end this horribly long post! I want your guys opinions on these below topics!
#1 - I have been contemplating getting my fender flares x-lined, I wanted to plasti-dip them but if they get touched by almost anything on the trail and or when washing it, it will start to come off. So I am thinking about x-lining them! What do you think about this treatment!?!
#2 - What do you think of these new JW Speaker Headlights? No specs have been released yet.... do you think that it is worth $1000 for a pair!?!

Anyway feel free to comment on any or all of this post! Let me know your thoughts and suggestions!
If you made it this far, THANKS for reading! Have a great memorial day!!!