Influencer II
I anti-slipped the tops, but other than that i think I'll leave the aluminum raw. Im currently building my off-road trailer and got some paint matched to the truck.that thing looks great.... are you planning on painting it or is that the finish?
Pathfinder I
Thanks! Safari rack is next!It looks great, I would leave as it is apart from as you anti slip matting
Off-Road Ranger I
Contributor III
Another Raptor build!! I was thinking I was the only one! It was soo lonely...Wow! Nice. I am currently in the process of building a 4 door Raptor. Everything looks top notch. Please post more pics.
Influencer II
Not as bad as I thought it would be. It does get pretty bad when im in a cross-wind though. I originally designed it for a rig with a sun-roof so it sits behind the front seats a little. I think that helps at highway speeds.great looking rack... Have you noticed a lot of wind noise?