Well, I'm long overdue for an update here. I really wanted my next post to be a picture of me out in the WJ camping, but with a lot of other things going on in life it just hasn't gotten there yet. I will say, things are much closer, yet the update is more or less the same: more tuning/refining. The tune is finally just about dialed-in and we're chasing down a lot of the little gremlins and loose ends.
That said, this engine is a MONSTER. I definitely went way beyond "necessary" or even advisable with the engine build, the hot rodder in me prevailed over better judgement. That said, it starts/idles and drives around incredibly smooth and easy when not heavy in the throttle. So it won't be a detriment to the intended purpose of the rig and will definitely provide some thrills.
And of course I'm already thinking about the next stage. For those not keeping pack, or scrolling back pages and pages I would call my goal here a "Rocklander." Not a hardcore rock crawler by any means (it's only on 35"s) but I want to be able to comfortably run and camp along the Rubicon and trails of that nature. To that end my next plan is to ditch the back seat all together and do a sleeping/storage build-out.
One of the goals of the build-out will be keeping it as light as possible (this is already a very heavy rig for being a WJ). I want to keep the platform as short as possible (to make it not too coffin-like when sleeping inside) while still getting usable storage. It will (hopefully) be a pretty typical setup with drawers extending out the back, and flip-up storage in what would have been the rear seat/rear footwell area. I plan to do an aux Lithium battery and management under the passenger side, which will be my primary sleeping side when solo. I want to leave my "bed" made at all times on solo trips so I don't want to put things I'll likely need under that side of the platform. I will probably squeeze a small sub box in there too, because I'm an idiot and still have to have good tunes (the rest of the stereo is already upgraded, posted earlier in this thread, but it lacks a sub).
If space allows, I'd like to work a small water tank into the storage in the former back seat area as well, but it will probably land on the driver's side to a) keep the water away from all the electronics b) make it easier to access/use. Additionally I would like to fit all my tools, recovery gear, and other hard-parts in that space.
Now, one catch with sleeping in a WJ is they are small, and the hatch area isn't long enough for me at 6' even with the rear seats out and going to the back of the center console. So, my plan is a section that will hinge and flip-forward with both front passenger seats moved to all the way up. The extension will have/need some fold out "legs" to support the front of it. I think it will be two-piece, so when it's just me I only have to lift my sleeping pad and flip the passenger side portion out, without moving whatever is stored on the drivers side of the platform.
I'll run a few full-length sections of L-track on the platform to make tying down gear easy. Nothing drives me crazier than all my gear bouncing all over as the rig flops down a technical trail. The main thing being secured will be a fridge at the back on the passenger side. For the fridge I might use a slide-out, drop-down type slide rather than just securing it to the L-track, but that is TBD once I figure out how much space I actually have to work with.
All together, the goal would be that all my gear/clothes/cooking kit would be in the drawers, the bed section will stay made, and random odds and ends can easily be strapped/bungeed down on the forward section of the drivers side. Nothing would need to go on the roof rack or outside the rig other than extra fuel and perhaps a bear box to stuff trash into at night.
But first, it needs to be a driver and I need to camp with it!