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  1. Speric

    US West North Bay Overland Bound Crew - Sonoma, Napa, Mendo, Lake, Marin and Solano

    Come meet up with folks who like to go out on adventures. We can talk about trips folks have gone on recently, or would like to go out on in the future. View Rally Point
  2. Speric

    US West North Bay meet-up - Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Lake, Solano and Mendocino

    Learn how to use your tire patch/plugs to fix a flat. View Rally Point
  3. Speric

    US West North Bay Monthly Meetup - Sonoma, Napa, Marin, etc.

    Monthly SF Northbay monthly meet-up. Come meet folks you who want to go out and explore new and old places. Make new friends, see old friends. View Rally Point
  4. Speric

    US West North Bay Meetup - Sonoma, Napa, Marin, etc.

    Come meet the folks you will be heading out into the wilderness and sharing stories. Discuss the results of the recent survey of local members. Talk and plan summer trips. Talk about gear upgrades and new toys. View Rally Point
  5. Speric

    US West North Bay - Sonoma, Napa, Marin

    Northbay meet-up to get to know who you might be going out into the wilderness. View Rally Point
  6. Speric

    US West North Bay - Sonoma, Napa, Marin trip of the month

    Just a quick overnighter up into Mendo NF. View Rally Point
  7. Speric

    Can't read messages on App

    I've been having an issue the last couple of weeks where I can't seem to read private messages. The app freezes up when I try and open a private message. When I tap "Messages" it's very slow to list them, but then when I tap the message to read it nothing happens and I sometimes can't even get...
  8. Speric

    US West Northbay Monthly Meet-up - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake and Mendo

    A place to meet and plan and get out. View Rally Point
  9. Speric

    Little Red Campfire low-flame

    Anyone else with a Camco Little Red Campfire or similar? Mine used to work just fine. Tall big flames. Now I barely get a couple inches of flame out of the fire ring. I tightened everything but nothing's changed. Any ideas on what could be wrong? or need fixing? It's been a great little propane...
  10. Speric

    US West North Bay Trip - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake

    Last trip of the year. Let's do this! View Rally Point
  11. Speric

    US West North Bay Meet-up - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake, Mendo

    Monthly North Bay meet-up with others who want to get out and explore View Rally Point
  12. Speric

    US West Northbay Monthly meet-up - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake,

    Meet-up with local folks looking to get out and explore! View Rally Point
  13. Speric

    Resolved Rally point forum comments unlinked

    I just noticed that when in forum view for a Rally Point, the link in the first post to the Rally Point page isn't working properly. Nor am I seeing posts in the forum view showing up in the Rally Point comment section. I did a quick fix of the first issue and cut and paste the url from the...
  14. Speric

    US West Northbay Meet/Trip - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake

    Let’s Go! View Rally Point
  15. Speric

    US West Monthly Northbay meetup - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake, Mendo.

    Meet others around here who like to get out and explore. Lets talk about some upcoming trips! View Rally Point
  16. Speric

    US West North Bay Monthly meet-up - Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Lake, Mendo, etc.

    Monthly meet-up. View Rally Point
  17. Speric

    US West Monthly North Bay Meet-up/Trip - Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Mendo, Lake

    Heading for the hills View Rally Point
  18. Speric

    US West North Bay meet-up - Sonoma, Marin, Napa

    Monthly meetup - Come meet others in the area who are also interested in exploring and going to new places, or even old favorite places. View Rally Point
  19. Speric

    Carrying/transporting a chainsaw

    how are folks transporting their chainsaws? basically, how are you managing that little seepage of bar oil from getting on things? I was thinking of making a little box or something to set it in/on.
  20. Speric

    US West Monthly meet-up/trip - Sonoma, Marin, Mendo, Lake

    Let's go somewhere. This trip might go to Cow Mountain, or Snow Mountain, or try and get up to the top of Hull Mountain. View Rally Point