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  1. Johnnie Canuck

    Boulder Outdoor Products Overland Trailer/RTT Hauler

    It's gonna be a beast! Definitely gonna check out your company!
  2. Johnnie Canuck

    Anyone have issues with high CG trailers off-road?

    My trailers pretty light unloaded, and i have a fixed rail for mounting my rtt. The floor of the tent sits about 6'-4" from the ground. I havnt had any tipping issues yet, though one time i was worried. But an adjustable set-up is alot cooler!
  3. Johnnie Canuck

    Another "Where Do I Start" thread!

    Love my little 100% Duty cycle Viair with the 2 1/2 gallon tank. It came with a coiled air line that i can easily reach all my tires. And i can run air tools with it too.
  4. Johnnie Canuck

    DIY trailer RTT mounting question.

    I was lazy.... So i just made a simple rack. There are some rails you can source from truck outfitter companies. Thule for example did have a aluminum extruted rail that came in 3' lengths.
  5. Johnnie Canuck

    Darthyota's Raptor Build

    Sorry my quote took so long to post before your second post. It does that sometimes for me. Are you on the Alberta Raptors Forum? Seem to recognize your orange theme rig from there.
  6. Johnnie Canuck

    Darthyota's Raptor Build

    Those 37s look pretty snug in those wells lol. Gonna do a mid-perch mod? Great to see another Raptor build! Totally following this thread! Feel free to check out my build threads. And keep posting your work!
  7. Johnnie Canuck

    Overland Hound

    That just made my morning!
  8. Johnnie Canuck

    The Wanderer- Off Road Trailer Build

    Usually id say aluminum. But steel in this case. All those rivets would have to be sealed with silicone or something else. I had a few riveted things on my trailer for its first run that leaked a little. Now everything is bolted and sealed. Wats your plans the back-end? Hinged door? Tailgate...
  9. Johnnie Canuck

    My 416 and Bantam builds.

    Like your hitch! What is it that you used for the pivot point on the receiver end? Is it brass?
  10. Johnnie Canuck

    The Wanderer- Off Road Trailer Build

    Make it happen!!
  11. Johnnie Canuck

    Adventure Trailer, So Far

    Hope that their half decent. Or I should find a new career!
  12. Johnnie Canuck

    The Wanderer- Off Road Trailer Build

    I totally agree! Im lucky enough to do custom fabrication on trucks for a living, and as my hobby. You should check out my trailer and rig build threads. Looking forward from more from this thread!
  13. Johnnie Canuck

    The Wanderer- Off Road Trailer Build

    Yes!! A real ground-up build! I also got some canvas sourced to make my own awning. Its way bigger, way stronger and way cheaper then a brand name from the market. So looking forward to what you do next!
  14. Johnnie Canuck

    F150 Overland build

    I've wanted to upgrade to Icons for a while now. Now if I could just win the lottery.....
  15. Johnnie Canuck

    F150 Overland build

    One thing to keep in mind with the Fox suspension on the Raptors is thats its very soft in the rear. With my rack, storage system and everyday gear i have a couple hundred pounds full time. And my rear saged almost 3". Since then I've added a single "helper spring " that solved my saggy butt...
  16. Johnnie Canuck

    F150 Overland build

    I always thought a hardshell option was like going to the dark side! But it is nice to keep ones gear clean. Ive been thinking off getting a removable canvas cover for my rack. Best of both worlds, and keeps all my options open.
  17. Johnnie Canuck

    70 K20 Suburban

    This thread is bananas! I cant wait for more!!
  18. Johnnie Canuck

    Adventure Trailer, So Far

    Update! Started on my "kitchen ". This mounts in the main cargo area of the trailer thats on 48" slides. Driver side has a drawer for the stove thats on 20" slides. And passenger side has a drop down prep table that when is up secures the totes that store dry goods. The prep table has...
  19. Johnnie Canuck

    Our TaxaOutdoor Woolly Bear Camp Trailer and our adventures!

    Our trip this year is to the B.C. Coast. Should i invest in citronella candles or a flamethrower....?
  20. Johnnie Canuck

    Ideas on partial build

    As far as "need" goes, thats up to you. In my build I didn't go with another battery and electrical system, i don't have a water tank and no fridge. For me electricity and running water cross the balance between "camping " and "glamping ". The Mule looks like a good base to start a build...