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  1. Johnnie Canuck

    Offroad Trailer Questions regarding wheels, bolt pattern, etc

    Also, i lied. Its a 1.3" spacing not a 2".
  2. Johnnie Canuck

    Offroad Trailer Questions regarding wheels, bolt pattern, etc

    It put me in the hole all said,(shipping, taxes) about $280 cdn. No wonder my build went over budget! To think, i call myself a professional.... I ordered from It was the only place my parts guy could find that day. That being said, keep me posted on your build and dont be...
  3. Johnnie Canuck

    Offroad Trailer Questions regarding wheels, bolt pattern, etc

    Its a 2" adapter/ spacer that i had to get custom done..... But thats how it is when one won't compromise on keeping tires and wheels standard. If you haven't already, id talk to Timbren directly about your issue. My experience with them has me recommending them for their customer service in...
  4. Johnnie Canuck

    Offroad Trailer Questions regarding wheels, bolt pattern, etc

    Seems we all have the same issues when it comes to the Timbren axleless products! Fortunately the company I work for is a Timbren supplier. They gave me the advice I needed to go forward with my build and i now run fulltime spacers. Unfortunately i miss-calculated my offset and then required...
  5. Johnnie Canuck

    2011 ford raptor build

    Thanks! Safari rack is next!
  6. Johnnie Canuck

    2011 ford raptor build

    I anti-slipped the tops, but other than that i think I'll leave the aluminum raw. Im currently building my off-road trailer and got some paint matched to the truck.
  7. Johnnie Canuck

    2011 ford raptor build

    This was originally designed for a 2010 model ( stolen....) so I figured what could change in one model year to the box of a pickup truck. I figured wrong. After alot of alterations i got it to fit. Eventually i was able to install my Viair 100% duty cycle compressor and 2.5g tank. Red-top...
  8. Johnnie Canuck

    2011 Ford Raptor build.

    Here she is bare bones.
  9. Johnnie Canuck

    2011 Ford Raptor build.

    So heres the start of my build. I figured id start with the issue of storage. So im making a pack-rat style solution for my full-size rig. Heres first assembly.