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  1. loper

    Our van build

    Well, now we have a real awning instead of a tarp, and we have a propane furnace for cold weather. Bought a 23 Zero 270 awning. Had to make brackets because the rack slopes in, and I wanted to mount the awning flat. Installed a Propex HS 2211 under the floor with ducts to bring the supply and...
  2. loper

    Overlanding in a Full-Size Truck - Comfortable family rig or doomed like the Titanic?

    We have an E350 van, 4X4, 138" wheelbase. Obviously I'm not going to Moab and try all the hard stuff, but washed out BLM or Forest Service roads and trails are fine. A full size pickup can be pretty capable, you just need to pay attention to what you're doing. Earth Roamer trucks are enormous...
  3. loper

    Nature Photos

    Had some rain and murky days:
  4. loper

    No overlanding for a long time

    Ah, but you'll be that much better off when you recover! Use this time to rehab and plan...
  5. loper

    Let's see those vans!

    2000 E350. Still working on it, but it's workable as is.
  6. loper

    Our van build

    There are a lot of swing arm options out there, maybe you could make something work for you. Then you could just whip up a box that fits your purposes.
  7. loper

    Our van build

    Kitchen box got used.
  8. loper

    Nature Photos

    Along the North Fork of the Boise
  9. loper

    Cheap “Tips” and “Tricks

    Rubber door stops to fine-tune leveling the griddle
  10. loper

    Our van build

    Airlift, I forget the number. Universal kit, they fit by spring size.
  11. loper

    Our van build

    Kitchen box! Holds two propane cylinders (1 20, 1 11 lb), plus storage for hoses, etc.
  12. loper

    How would you start over?

    Either an old XJ, modified to suit, if I wanted to go with something smaller. Ambo conversion if I wanted to go bigger. LMTV if I really wanted to go wild.
  13. loper

    Beginner’s info

    If I understand the question " the required technology to ensure I maintain a comprehensive journey", it sounds like you're asking how to get where you want to go, do what you want to do, and maybe record some data from the excursion. If that's the case, it doesn't have to be too complicated or...
  14. loper

    Looking at doing our first month long trip..

    Monte1, You're on the right track about the "go, go, go". That's been a problem for us in the past, too much agenda, not enough time. Kinda revised that lately, and it works better. Our best times have been when we plan reasonable driving distances and maybe one or two events per day. We try...
  15. loper

    Our van build

    Made a little more progress. Stuck some bushwacker flares on, and hung an aluminess bumper. Not very artistic pictures, just working at the house, but this was that sort of weekend. Did get the new adventure beasts out and let them check things out. Easing them into things so they'll be OK with...
  16. loper

    Nature Photos

    Succor Creek, Oregon
  17. loper

    Our van build

    Made a little phot trip to Succor Creek today. Seemed like a nice opportunity to show off the two-tone we just finished!
  18. loper

    Our van build

    Front air bags and two tone done!
  19. loper

    Nature Photos

    Along HWY 20 in Oregon this week.
  20. loper

    Our van build

    Well, 22 September fell through for us, so we had to postpone to the 10th of this month. A.J.'s swapped out heavier springs, air bags, redesigned radius arm mounts, and updated (later F350-style) track bar. Since we were mid-trip, Art and the crew pushed hard to get us in and out in 5 hours...