Overland Related Recreation

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Rank IV

Enthusiast III

Richmond, Virginia, USA
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Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!! I can see that happening, I think I would get a little bored and lonely....


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Advocate III

On the road in North America
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who goes by themselves? That the situation I'm currently in
99% of my adventures are solo, whether weekend, weeklong, or multi-month. Sometimes I'll set up somewhere and invite family or a friend to join for a night or two, though those times happen only a few nights out of a hundred most years.

I've been solo-adventuring since before I was old enough to drive, when I'd hitchhike across several states to go hiking and camping in the mountains or along some river or lake.

I prefer it, actually, and enjoy the time spent alone on long cross-country drives, or experimenting with gear and new techniques while camping back country, or exploring local plant and animal life in woods or water, or wandering through small towns engaging locals, and just generally adventuring on my own terms and schedule.

I find it invigorating to be a solo adventurer. It can be a tremendous builder of self-confidence and self-reliance; knowing I have myself and my gear to depend on when in the wild or on the road, and my knowledge and personality to depend on when in town and around others. I am much more comfortable with who I am and with my abilities, and in being around others, because of the time I've spent adventuring alone.

Are you enjoying yourself, or feeling like you'd rather have others along to be able to enjoy yourself?



Rank V

Advocate I

South Carolina, USA
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who goes by themselves? That the situation I'm currently in
I'm usually alone, and like @Road, I kind of like it for many of the same reasons. I like to just explore and follow my nose, so to speak. Take side roads that look interesting; look for secluded spots to fish, camp, and explore with no particular schedule to be on. I like to fish because it usually leads me to beautiful and serene places. I need to check out some desert too while I make my western tour. I am very close to having all the modifications done on the truck and I'll be ready to ride. It would be great to meet up with some fellow overlanders out on the trail.
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AJ. Adventures

Rank IV

Enthusiast I

Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Canadian Veteran
Main reason I don’t have a roof top tent is I usually have ski pod, kayaks, surfboards, etc up there. This year I got the motorbike rack, can’t wait for spring to try it!



Rank VI

Steward I

Hollister, CA, USA
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Like many others out there I am usually solo as it can be hard to get my hubby away from his shop projects.
If I could I would camp every weekend! - Just being out in the rough with nature is fuel for me.
I am really into the history of a place and will do offline research (historical maps, roads, old towns, early pre-history) and sometimes read up on abstacts from the region archeology. I enjoy going out hiking and and rock hounding. For christmas I have a new pack raft so pretty excited to get that into the water.
Like others I enjoy just poking down roads, turning around if it is to daunting and being open to a unscripted experience.
I do like fishing though more to just get out and less about expecting to catch anything.. Fish Win, me zero!


Rank V

Advocate I

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Another solo traveler here…I’ve crossed the U.S., backpacked into the wilderness, day hiked difficult trails, rock scrambled and bushwhacked, almost always by myself. I enjoy the freedom to do as I wish - explore, observe wildlife, take photographs, hike, nap, read, chill, ponder the mysteries of the universe. Hoping to add fishing to the list this year. Traveling in my truck and camping facilitates these passions. Am I overlanding or just a recreational nomad? Do labels really matter? I’ll need to meditate on that, preferably from a high altitude location with a stunning view…


Rank V

Advocate I

South Carolina, USA
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Got to spend a few days in a remote location with my son recently. All that time I spent taking him hunting and fishing finally paying off! He called me this big gobbler the other day. He has become quite an accomplished outdoorsman and at twenty two has surpassed me in many categories. He is big and strong and tough as nails. Not much fazes him but I have doubts about his hunting in sandals.
sandals. Woodbury Apr. 22.jpgTurkey Woodbury.jpg
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Trout Bumming

Rank V
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Advocate III

Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA
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Game Warden
Nice turkey Fishin Crzy!!!
For me I worked for so many years alone in the back country that it naturally flows into my current travel. Something special about being alone with just me and the dog on new rivers and lakes. The snow is starting to melt a bit in lower Absaroka Range! I find less people out and about while its still cold overnight. Back to that being alone thing. Love it! Mark
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Rank III

Enthusiast II

Shingle Springs, California, USA
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Another solo traveler here…I’ve crossed the U.S., backpacked into the wilderness, day hiked difficult trails, rock scrambled and bushwhacked, almost always by myself. I enjoy the freedom to do as I wish - explore, observe wildlife, take photographs, hike, nap, read, chill, ponder the mysteries of the universe. Hoping to add fishing to the list this year. Traveling in my truck and camping facilitates these passions. Am I overlanding or just a recreational nomad? Do labels really matter? I’ll need to meditate on that, preferably from a high altitude location with a stunning view…
Yeah, that about covers it.