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  1. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    I’m guessing she weighs about 700lbs?? Extra bit of weight worth it in my opinion to give you the extra strength and longevity. I’m no expert, maybe someone on here is- does it make a difference what angle your shocks are at compared to your springs? I always thought the shock worked best when...
  2. tyndall

    My sankey Build

    your trailer is on drum brakes,I think some sankeys have a disc setup don’t they? I wonder what make of brake parts they used? How do you get on with the NATO hitch?
  3. tyndall

    My sankey Build

    Probably to make it harder to retreat?
  4. tyndall

    My sankey Build

    Do you have to do that every time you reverse with a sankey?
  5. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    I think you’ll be ok without triangulation up to about 1800 lbs
  6. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    Sometimes patience gets in the way of a completed project- I admire your ability to keep going and get things done- she starting to look like a useable trailer
  7. tyndall

    The Mama Compatible Overlanding Trailer

    Nice job- I like the pop top- must have been tricky to get sorted?
  8. tyndall

    My diy trailer

    Great job-is item 20 a pump action shotgun? Is the white part that looks like a ram in the first pic to lift the roof tent platform?
  9. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    lol,if it passes the hop test it’s strong enough
  10. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    the rivnuts sit proud of the sheet below,so the angle sits on the rivnuts not the sheet-right? Does this work ok?
  11. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    Are your drawer slide mounted to the floor on lengths of angle iron? Can’t see in the pics
  12. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    I like your stabilisers,might have to steal that idea! Trailers coming along well,it looks good
  13. tyndall

    Family adventure trailer

    I thought I would have some fun with the tail lights- they’re not very practical but they remind me of this below which has to be a good thing i have been pricing up some pre-made locker doors-for the 5 I need I will have to spend about £3000, so I think I might make my own
  14. tyndall

    Family adventure trailer

    Tacked up the front electrical box
  15. tyndall

    Portable power station to power trailer systems??

    Thank you,will have a read
  16. tyndall

    Portable power station to power trailer systems??

    I am just thinking of getting my leisure battery to power my trailer systems- cooler,car stereo,,interior lights and external flood lights. Before I do I am looking at power stations,which I know very little about. Is it possible to power my trailer systems with a power station in a similar...
  17. tyndall

    My DIY offroad utility (base camp) trailer

    Flat topped fenders like yours will make a great chair /table /workbench on the fly -very handy!
  18. tyndall

    Bruder EXP-6

    Can any owners shed any light on how the body is constructed? From what I can tell it’s some kind of sheet material with expanding foam in between? Has anybody been to the factory and watched the process? Would love to know more in order to try and copy the process on something.
  19. tyndall

    Round 2 DIY Squaredrop, doing it very differently this time

    filon? I’m learning something now- is that sheet material?
  20. tyndall

    My sankey Build

    Thanks for the info- I will use it on my build -looking forward to trying it out