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  1. Daniel Shupp

    EXPO West May 17-19 2019 from SF Bay Area

    anybody else hear anything about a convoy leaving from the Bay Area?
  2. Daniel Shupp

    US West Central California Monthly Meet Up

    I'm in Oakdale every weekend, would love to make the next one. Hitting Expo West that weekend!
  3. Daniel Shupp

    EXPO West May 17-19 2019 from SF Bay Area

    As soon as I hear something I'll make sure I let you know! Last year our camping locations did not require 4WD but one did require a bit of clearance.
  4. Daniel Shupp

    Coffee Set Ups

    Been reading reviews on this, looks like a great product.
  5. Daniel Shupp

    EXPO West May 17-19 2019 from SF Bay Area

    We will be leaving from the East Bay Area for Expo West, we went with Michael's convoy last year. I haven't seen a recent post to see what their trip itinerary will be this year. I believe we met on Wednesday last year in Livermore at 0'dark thirty.
  6. Daniel Shupp

    Kaiser Pass Run - 06/29/2018

    Our only preference is that we are in favor of dispersed camping. For departure and route, we are good with whatever!
  7. Daniel Shupp

    Trail Guardian Trail Cleanup - Truckee / Prossor Damn Shooting Range Clean Up - 06/16/2018

    We can't make it that weekend but lets get together soon.
  8. Daniel Shupp

    Kaiser Pass Run - 06/29/2018

    I'm in, there is 2 of us.
  9. Daniel Shupp

    Overland Expo 2018 WEST Caravan - SF Bay Area Departure - 05/15/2018

    Definitely in! We will be breaking away either Weds or Thurs to squeeze in some Grand Canyon time. Any recommendations on pulling this off?
  10. Daniel Shupp

    Usal Beach Team Hunt Rally - 07/28/2017

    I got his info, PM me bro.
  11. Daniel Shupp

    Usal Beach Team Hunt Rally - 07/28/2017

    My GF and I are scrambling to try to make this tomorrow. We haven't been to any events yet!
  12. Daniel Shupp

    Stanislaus NF Overland Trip July 2017

    Not to steal someone's thread but I would love some information on campsites along the Clavey River :)
  13. Daniel Shupp

    Sorry I never saw this message for some reason.

    Sorry I never saw this message for some reason.
  14. Daniel Shupp

    Nor Cal - Casual Meet Up?

    Perfect! Should be fun!
  15. Daniel Shupp

    Overland Expo West 2017 - NorCal Group

    Not familiar with this expo, what would you recommend for a relative beginner? Looks like a lot of classes are already full...
  16. Daniel Shupp

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    New member requesting upgrade # 4169 Thanks