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  1. Eric W.

    Rear door stove

    Looks great!
  2. Eric W.

    Virginia OLB Members

    Headed out, mid week, next week. Few days of relaxing and doing some hiking from camp. Probably no trail riding due to non 4x4's coming with.
  3. Eric W.

    Virginia OLB Members

    Would be cool, but my weekend is Wednesday/Thursday, making it tough for me in that department.
  4. Eric W.

    Ask About Gaia GPS!

    Also, when I'm out I only pause it.
  5. Eric W.

    Ask About Gaia GPS!

    My best answer, and I only use the free version at the moment, is to have it running before you lose connection.
  6. Eric W.

    Virginia OLB Members

    Awesome! As much as I think I know my way around the GWNF I couldn't place where you were.
  7. Eric W.

    propane tanks

    I use a 20lb tank because of ease in swapping out tanks and cheap cost of it compared to 1lb bottles. Plus I can get a fair amount of weekend warrior trips out of a single tank. Recently spent five days out cooking three meals a day for six people and still had enough to cook lunch for two last...
  8. Eric W.

    DIY drawer system for JKU

    Looking good! I need to do a system for Tacoma, but change my mind constantly on configuration!
  9. Eric W.

    What is your rigs name

    Have always named my cars and trucks, couldn't come up with a name for my Tacoma, and kept (as with all my cars) referring to her as "She", so that name stuck. 12 years strong on my 07' "She" has been a good girl.
  10. Eric W.

    My grandfather’s stove- reborn

    Fantastic restoration!
  11. Eric W.

    New member

  12. Eric W.

    FOR SALE The things you see on the road

    Agreed, never seen wheels/tires like that before.
  13. Eric W.

    New member

  14. Eric W.

    Overland Bound Emblems!

    Look what I got in the mail!!
  15. Eric W.

    New member

    Appreciate it!
  16. Eric W.

    Water Use

    Searching for this now, awesome idea!
  17. Eric W.

    Members Instagram ID

    Would be cool to see some of y'all over on the IG.. chow_wagon_e
  18. Eric W.

    New member

    Thanks Jku.. This was "She" on skyline today
  19. Eric W.

    New member

    I'm in the Woodbridge area, and thanks!