Very good week for the 2003 Ranger build this week. My son and I installed the Leitner Design's Active Cargo System and we received and mounted our Overland Bound emblem. We are now official. I did a time lapse of the rack install, need some editing to do but will post the full video by the...
I ta
I talked to Ron at Fierce off road, "great guy" and he will do front and rear for $2800 - I did some price comparisons and it seems fairly comparable to many from ARB and such so I went with him given he is local.
I put my order in...
Wordpress is a great start. I can give you some help with a blog if you are serious about taking on the challenge that you are presenting. Being a Vet (USN 90 - 98/USNR 99 - 2005) myself and an aspiring writer of peoples stories, I am more than willing to even do some shadow writing for you.
Update the headlights this weekend from stock to Spyder LED. Took it for a drive last night and the difference is amazing. Next up is a Leitner bed rack.
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And it looks like our membership started within days of each other. I see you are member #7372; mine is #7371. Do you mostly do stuff on the coastal range or in the Cascades? My son and I are planning a trip after Soccer season. Thinking of going over to the Alvord Desert.
Tough choice to keep and build or forego and buy new. Luckily mine is 4WD. I will be posting updates here as well as keeping a full build thread going on my blog at
I live in the area and highly recommend going from Three Creeks Lake to Waldo lake. It is a great excursion. The three creeks trail might have some burn residue from the recent Mili fire but I think it is mostly under control now.
Here is the route post I used to navigate the roads. All are...
My son and I our planning our first Overland trip on November 3 - 6, long lead time is that our weekends are full with soccer until then. We are planning on following Route 6 from the Oregon Back Country Discovery Routes with a few changes. Starting this thread to document the planning...
I am really interested in the Jerry Can route but am wondering what people prefer; Metal vs Plastic. I am guessing that the plastic can would swell in the heat?
Not good but on the bright side welcome to Oregon! I live in Sweet Home but work in Eugene! Glad to hear of another local member. Hope you get the rover repaired.
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Welcome to the forums and OB. I am not in on the east but there are many people on here who are! Anyway have fun researching and building. BTW what kind of rig do you have?
For you tent campers out there I am curious as to what you use to get you and your companions off the ground. I have been using a Thermarest back packing mattress am am thinking of moving to a cot but before I do I would like to get some other opinions.
Someday I will be cool and own a Tundra TRD, so says my son! Love these pics and build. Serious question though. Have any of you owners found the size of the rig and inside with getting down trails? I ask because I live in the Northwest and a lot of the trails I frequent are even close on...
This is awesome and your story and passion really resonate with my heart and state of mi d at the moment as I am just beginning what you realized a few years ago. Thank you for being courageous so the rest of us can have courage to live the much needed lives of adventure that is so crucial to...
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