Got that right, but the fumes in the cab tend to wipe out the entire crew quickly!
Gotta weigh the options.
Point to remember: I do not pack too much on the roof. Most everything has a place inside.
I follow the aircraft load-master's method of stowage. Keep it low, keep it tight, keep...
Hello... I am in Kansas City area and want to make contact with others in my area so that I can get involved. I spent the past 2 years nodding my Jeep and it is time to take it out. Thanks
I'm in Kansas City area and would like to know if you guys have room for one more in your Region since nobody seems to claim that title in my Region? Thanks
Maybe you could lighten your load.
It's cool to have all the gear, but do you use it all?
Seems like weight is never considered when browsing through eBay...all that stuff sure looks neat though! That is until the credit card bill comes or your rig handles like bloated hippo.
Yeah...I have a two can rack on top in back above my rear hatch ( Jeep WJ ).
RE: Swelling of the cans. That is what I was thinking of and why my 1st choice is metal.
Besides, I cannot stand those plastic pour spouts. What joke! They dribble more than me during my midnight mission to the...
Mr. Oliver. Two hours is not long enough to catch a buzz off a six pack 18% alcohol beer much less see if this community is worth the price of admission.
"Come on man"
1) How much extra fuel should you carry?
2) Is it safe to carry extra fuel in plastic Jerry Cans?
3) Is it safe to carry extra fuel on your roof rack?
Let me know what your thoughts are.
If it were me I'd build that F250. Put a topper on it or a roof top tent some camping gear and call it ready to roll. Those 250s take a beating and come back for more.
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