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    Road Trip Day

    Go to trucking school. A lot of companies will pay for it in exchange for a year of employment at a decent entry level pay rate.
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    Installing a platform for a fridge slide

    While this is true for a refrigerator at your house, it is not true for an automotive refrigerator. This particular manufacturer (costway) allows up to 30 degrees of tilt, to accommodate for driving uphill Kodi
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    Hot Springs Arkansas Trail Advice

    For food/drinks, check out maxines. Great bar food. The superior has all your craft beer needs. Rolandos is good latin food and they have an awesome patio. Deluccas has some of the best pizza youll find anywhere. There are like 40 miles of trails to hike around in the city. Goat rock trail is...
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    A New Recipe For Colder Weather

    I feel like all my favourite foods are warming - but a few that stand out are curries, shepherd’s pie or cottage pie, and chili. Not exactly a recipe, but if your house is cold I highly recommend heating your plates/bowls in the oven for a little while before serving. I used to think my...
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    Canadian Ham Exams over Zoom

    Are the online exam sessions any good? I plan on going straight to general class, but the nearest in person testing centers are 2 hours away. If I do it online, would I have to do technician and general in different sessions?
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    In box rail systems

    The problem with "coming up with a better way" isn't so much coming up with an idea, as much as it's coming up with the idea and bringing something to market.
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    Cancelled Toyota's citrus management trail ride

    Citrus Wildlife Management Area is outdoor rec area about an hour and a half North of Tampa.
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    Expo west bound

    I used to use the metro so much but it has gotten silly. It all went downhill when my wife, who was VERY hesitant because of her small size, did not want to ride the expo line to downtown for a nice evening out. I didn't want to pay for expensive Ubers there and back. The expo line has always...